After an initial consultation with team members:

  • The Amaro Sports staff will detail a membership overview
  • Members will speak with a staff member each month
  • A staff member will detail the appropriate winning course of action for each player based on age, grade, academic ability and baseball ability.
  • Each member will be advised on the road to success – The Plan.

Membership to Amaro Sports is available on a select basis and includes:

  • Monthly calls
  • Video analysis, web link and profile page
  • Half-price access to Amaro Sports-sponsored clinics and events
  • College baseball recruiting overview, individualized player assessment and personalized advice
  • A detailed plan to maximize the players’s ability
  • Receive unique Amaro Sports branded merchandise


For more information about membership, please fill out the form below and someone will contact you..


Monthly update calls to discuss the academic and baseball interests of the player. Understanding the academic climate as it relates to collegiate baseball and professional opportunity.
College baseball recruiting overview with personal talent assessment. Advice and plans will be discussed to maximize exposure.
Personal advice based on comprehensive overview using video and directing communications and understanding of the process
Access to local clinics and events at a specialized cost that will highlight a players strengths.